April 03, 2017
I'd strongly encourage people interested in my field to get involved with a STEM-related project outside of their classes. Cool extracurricular activities stoke your natural curiosity. You'll learn and retain information much more efficiently if you feel naturally compelled to learn it. In my life, AlbertaSat plays this role of getting me excited about what I'm learning. Even though it may seem ... Read the full interview here>>

February 22, 2017
My advice would be to keep an open mind about the opportunities available at the university. In my first year, I would have never predicted the path I am now. There are so many resources available for students - whether it’s a research opportunity, field work, or an internship. Talk to advisors, talk to profs, and gain as much insight as you can. There are many other people who ... Read the full interview here >>
December 21, 2016
I joined UA-WiSE because its goals align with my personal interests and passion for sharing my experiences/knowledge with the goal of mentoring others to better shape them for their future career. I always fall back to the quote, “it takes a whole village to raise us.” The people and situations you allow yourself to experience will shape you to be the individual you want ... Read the full interview here >>
November 21, 2016
October 17, 2016