Program Overview
On Friday, August 5th 2016, UA-WiSE kicked off the first event for the High School Outreach Program. The new program aims to foster relationship between high school students and undergraduate students interested in or currently involved in STEM fields, allowing for opportunities for personal development and enhancing each student's experience.
Each group consists of one undergraduate student mentor and a high school student mentee. Undergraduate students are from all different faculties and backgrounds so as to get a diverse mix of mentors.
Groups will be formed based on the future goals of individuals and their areas of expertise.
Applications are currently closed for the 2016/2017 program. Check back here next term!
Time Commitment
The program is scheduled to take place beginning in early November and continuing till June. We expect all participants to commit to meeting once a month in person, by telephone conference, or Skype conference.
There will also be two events in November and March and all participants are expected to attend each event.